
We have carried out work for some of the UKs leading brands, and government departments, to help them understand the small & SME business sector.

From EON & Gradwell, to the Post Office, LOCOG, O2 & UKTI. have all been proud customers.

Trends Research is part of the Capital Business Media Group, one of Britains leading business media companies, and the publishers behind some of the leading SME focused business magazines and websites like the UKs largest title Business Matters.

This position provides a data pool of respondees signed up to take part in our surveys is over 750,000 which provides us with the ability to guarantee minimum sample sizes of excess of 1,000.

This means that we work with a huge number of PR, advertising, media & marketing agencies, from BrayLeino & Hotwire to M&C Saatchi enabling them to produce activity for their clients based on sample sized survey data which guarantee volumes of coverage.

We have run thousands of surveys for our clients since our launch three years ago, and given our dedicated focus on delivering a real understanding  of the UK small & SME business sector over 90% of our clients making us their business research company of choice and ask us to carry out multiple projects for them or their clients.